David Jeffrey Florist

David Jeffrey's Roses & Casa Blanca Lilies


Dozen Premium Ecuadorian roses with pure white heavenly scented Casablanca lilies are always stunning! The red vase pictured may not be available and will be replaced with a glass vase lined with ti leaves or a solid ceramic vase, please call the shop if you have any questions at 805-376-2500. SORRY RED VASE IS NO LONGER AVAILABLE
The preferred Florist for Conejo Mountain Memorial Park 
Delivery Charge For Local Deliveries is $15.00 - Which includes:

Agoura, Agoura Hills, Camarillo, Newbury Park, Oak Park, 
Thousand Oaks, Westlake Village, Wood Ranch, 
Conejo Mountain Memorial Park 
Boccaccio's Restaurant, Los Robles Hospital

Orders placed outside of our local delivery must be called into our shop at 805-376-2500.
Additional delivery information at the link below 



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