David Jeffrey Florist

David Jeffrey's Roses Elegance



An elegant display of 20 beautiful Ecuadorian roses, red, or any color of your choice. This offer is for one color only, mixed color roses need to be called into the shop for a price quote.

We are the preferred florist for Conejo Mountain Memorial Park & Funeral Home and located on the property 


Delivery Charge For Local Deliveries is $15.00 - Which includes:
Agoura, Agoura Hills, Camarillo, Newbury Park, Oak Park, 
Thousand Oaks, Westlake Village, Wood Ranch, 
Conejo Mountain Memorial Park 
Boccaccio's Restaurant, Los Robles Hospital

Orders placed outside of our local delivery must be called into our shop at 805-376-2500.
Additional delivery information at the link below 


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